Set in Roth's dystopian Chicago, Divergent is centered around Tris, a young girl who has turned sixteen and now must make a choice-like all other sixteen year olds-that will decide her future. She must select one of five factions to join for life. Each faction represents a different virtue: Candor, Abnegation, Dauntless, Erudite and Amity. Tris struggles in the lead up to her decision as to whether she should stay in Abnegation with her family, or chose the faction she feels is calling to her. The decision Tris makes has devastating consequences and uncovers a secret that Tris must hide to save her life.
I set the bar pretty high for this novel. I read many reviews and opinions on it before I bought it. Did it live up to my expectations? It sure did. The story line was a little predictable and the character development needed a bit of work, but I didn't mind. Something about the book made me forget it's flaws. Divergent was exciting, it was gripping and it was utterly fascinating! Keep in mind though, that this is a book for young adults-although that isn't stopping all the adults I know reading it. It was very easy to read and I found it very hard to put down-even to eat! Since reading The Hunger Games, I have become obsessed with dystopian fiction, so expect loads of reviews from that genre. I am so glad I read Divergent and I was so disappointed when I got to the last chapter. But guess what? There is a second book set to be published next year, and a third to be published in 2013. Happy days!
I'm currently reading When We Have Wings by Claire Corbett and I'll be reviewing it in the next few days or so if anyone wants to read along.
Sam I Am
Hey Samus!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the dystopian fiction. After reading 'The Hunger Games' and watching heaps of movies with the same theme I'm a bit obsessed as well. I'll put this one on my wish list on audible.